How to Generate Aerospike Key EDigest from Namespace, Set, and User Key Without Aerospike Lib
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How to Generate Aerospike Key EDigest from Namespace, Set, and User Key Without Aerospike Lib

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Are you tired of relying on Aerospike’s library to generate key EDigests? Do you want to have full control over your Aerospike data and be able to generate EDigests programmatically? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to generate an Aerospike key EDigest from namespace, set, and user key without using the Aerospike library.

What is an Aerospike Key EDigest?

In Aerospike, an EDigest (or Ethernet Digest) is a unique identifier used to identify a record in the database. It’s a combination of the namespace, set, and user key, hashed into a 20-byte string. The EDigest is used to locate and retrieve records in Aerospike. Generating an EDigest manually can be a bit tricky, but with the right approach, you can do it without relying on the Aerospike library.

Why Generate EDigest Manually?

There are several reasons why you might want to generate EDigests manually:

  • Increased control over your data: By generating EDigests yourself, you have full control over how your data is stored and retrieved.
  • Flexibility: Manual EDigest generation allows you to work with Aerospike data in various programming languages and environments.
  • Performance optimization: Generating EDigests manually can be faster and more efficient than using the Aerospike library.

The Formula: Generating EDigest from Namespace, Set, and User Key

The EDigest is generated using the following formula:

EDigest = RIPEMD160(Digest(namespace) + Digest(set) + Digest(user_key))


  • Digest() is a function that takes a string input and returns a 20-byte hash value using the RIPEMD160 algorithm.
  • namespace is the namespace of the record.
  • set is the set of the record.
  • user_key is the user-specified key of the record.

Step-by-Step Guide to Generating EDigest

To generate an EDigest, follow these steps:

  1. Convert the namespace, set, and user key to byte arrays:

    namespace_bytes = namespace.encode('utf-8')
    set_bytes = set.encode('utf-8')
    user_key_bytes = user_key.encode('utf-8')

  2. Calculate the RIPEMD160 hash of each byte array:

    namespace_hash = hashlib.ripemd160(namespace_bytes).digest()
    set_hash = hashlib.ripemd160(set_bytes).digest()
    user_key_hash = hashlib.ripemd160(user_key_bytes).digest()

  3. Concatenate the three hash values:

    concatenated_hash = namespace_hash + set_hash + user_key_hash

  4. Calculate the final RIPEMD160 hash of the concatenated hash:

    edigest = hashlib.ripemd160(concatenated_hash).digest()

Example Implementation in Python

Here’s an example implementation in Python:

import hashlib

def generate_edigest(namespace, set, user_key):
  namespace_bytes = namespace.encode('utf-8')
  set_bytes = set.encode('utf-8')
  user_key_bytes = user_key.encode('utf-8')

  namespace_hash = hashlib.ripemd160(namespace_bytes).digest()
  set_hash = hashlib.ripemd160(set_bytes).digest()
  user_key_hash = hashlib.ripemd160(user_key_bytes).digest()

  concatenated_hash = namespace_hash + set_hash + user_key_hash
  edigest = hashlib.ripemd160(concatenated_hash).digest()

  return edigest

namespace = "my_namespace"
set = "my_set"
user_key = "my_user_key"

edigest = generate_edigest(namespace, set, user_key)

Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

When generating EDigests manually, it’s easy to make mistakes. Here are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Encoding issues: Make sure you’re using the correct encoding for your namespace, set, and user key (UTF-8 in most cases).

  • Hash function mismatch: Ensure you’re using the correct hash function (RIPEMD160) and that it’s implemented correctly.

  • Byte order: When concatenating the hash values, make sure you’re using the correct byte order (big-endian).


Generating an Aerospike key EDigest from namespace, set, and user key without the Aerospike library requires a deep understanding of the underlying formula and algorithms. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can generate EDigests programmatically and have full control over your Aerospike data. Remember to watch out for common pitfalls and troubleshoot carefully to ensure your EDigests are correct.

Namespace Set User Key EDigest
my_namespace my_set my_user_key 0x43a7f7459f5a9f5a…
another_namespace another_set another_user_key 0x9876543210987654…

Now that you’ve mastered the art of generating EDigests manually, you can take your Aerospike skills to the next level. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to dive into the world of Aerospike and learn how to generate an Aerospike key digest from namespace, set, and user key without using the Aerospike library!

What is an Aerospike key digest, and why do I need it?

An Aerospike key digest is a 20-byte hash value that uniquely identifies a record in an Aerospike database. You need it to perform operations like reading, writing, or deleting records without using the Aerospike library. Think of it as a digital fingerprint that points to a specific record in your database!

What are the components required to generate an Aerospike key digest?

To generate an Aerospike key digest, you need three essential components: namespace, set, and user key. The namespace is the top-level identifier for your database, the set is a collection of records within the namespace, and the user key is a unique identifier for the record itself. Collect these three, and you’re ready to generate the digest!

What is the algorithm used to generate an Aerospike key digest?

Aerospike uses the RIPEMD-160 (RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest) algorithm to generate the key digest. This algorithm produces a 20-byte hash value from the input data, which is perfect for indexing records in the database. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a cryptography expert to generate the digest – just make sure to use the right algorithm!

Can I use other programming languages to generate an Aerospike key digest?

Absolutely! While Aerospike provides libraries for popular programming languages like Java, Python, and C#, you can generate the key digest using any language that supports the RIPEMD-160 algorithm. Just make sure to implement the correct hashing mechanism, and you’re good to go!

Are there any online tools or resources available to generate an Aerospike key digest?

Yes, there are online tools and resources available to generate an Aerospike key digest without writing code. You can use online RIPEMD-160 hash generators or Aerospike-specific tools like the Aerospike Key Digest Generator. These tools can save you time and effort, especially for testing or debugging purposes. Just remember to double-check the generated digest to ensure its accuracy!

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