Corda Token-SDK: Unlocking the Secrets of Querying Received/Incoming Fungible Tokens
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Corda Token-SDK: Unlocking the Secrets of Querying Received/Incoming Fungible Tokens

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Are you tired of sifting through countless lines of code, only to end up with more questions than answers? Do you find yourself wondering how to efficiently query received or incoming fungible tokens using Corda’s Token-SDK? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Corda Token-SDK and provide you with a step-by-step approach to querying those elusive tokens.

What is Corda Token-SDK?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a brief look at what Corda Token-SDK is. Corda Token-SDK is an open-source framework developed by R3, designed to facilitate the creation, issuance, and management of tokens on the Corda blockchain network. It provides a standardized way of representing tokens, enabling seamless interactions between different parties and systems.

Why Query Received/Incoming Fungible Tokens?

Querying received or incoming fungible tokens is essential for various reasons:

  • Tracking token movements**: By querying received tokens, you can monitor token inflows and outflows, ensuring accurate accounting and audits.
  • Automating workflows**: Identifying incoming tokens enables you to trigger automated workflows, such as settlement processes or notifications.
  • Enhancing security**: By monitoring received tokens, you can detect potential security threats, like unauthorized token transfers.
  • Streamlining reconciliation**: Querying received tokens simplifies the reconciliation process, reducing errors and discrepancies.

Preparing Your Corda Environment

Before we dive into the querying process, ensure you have a functional Corda environment set up:

  1. Install Corda Node (e.g., Corda 4.5)
  2. Configure your Corda node with the required dependencies (e.g., Token-SDK)
  3. Create a new Corda project using your preferred IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA)
  4. Implement the necessary classes and interfaces for token creation, issuance, and management

Querying Received/Incoming Fungible Tokens

Now, let’s get to the main event! To query received or incoming fungible tokens using Corda Token-SDK, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a Custom Query

Create a custom query class that extends the `VaultQuery` class:

public class ReceivedTokensQuery extends VaultQuery<FungibleTokenState> {
    public VaultQueryCriteria getCriteria() {
        QueryCriteria queryCriteria = new QueryCriteria.VaultQueryCriteria(Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED);
        queryCriteria.addConstraint(new QueryCriteria.SummaryViewConstraint(
                new SummarisedAuditEventData(),
                new SummarisedAuditEventData.Status(),
        return queryCriteria;

In this example, we’re creating a `ReceivedTokensQuery` class that filters `FungibleTokenState` instances with an `UNCONSUMED` state status and a `RECEIVED` summary view constraint.

Step 2: Execute the Query

Use the `ReceivedTokensQuery` class to execute the query on the Corda node:

ReceivedTokensQuery query = new ReceivedTokensQuery();
Flowable<FungibleTokenState> results = rpcOps.vaultQuery(query);
List<FungibleTokenState> receivedTokens = results.toList().blockingGet();

In this example, we’re creating an instance of the `ReceivedTokensQuery` class and using it to execute the query on the Corda node using the `vaultQuery` method. The resulting `Flowable` is then converted to a `List` of `FungibleTokenState` instances.

Step 3: Process the Query Results

Once you have the query results, you can process the received tokens as needed:

for (FungibleTokenState receivedToken : receivedTokens) {
    System.out.println("Received token: " + receivedToken.getToken().getTokenType().getTokenName());
    // Perform additional processing, such as updating token balances or triggering workflows

In this example, we’re simply printing the token name for each received token, but you can implement more complex logic to suit your specific requirements.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to keep in mind:

  • Filtering by token type**: You can filter the query results by token type using the `TokenType` class:
    queryCriteria.addConstraint(new QueryCriteria.VaultConstraint(
            new CriteriaExpression("tokenType", TokenType.class, QueryCriteria Criterion.EQ, "MyTokenType")
  • Querying by node**: You can query received tokens by node using the `NodeIdentity` class:
    queryCriteria.addConstraint(new QueryCriteria.VaultConstraint(
            new CriteriaExpression("owner", NodeIdentity.class, QueryCriteria Criterion.EQ, getOurIdentity())
  • ReceivedTokensQuery query = new ReceivedTokensQuery();
    query.setPageSpec(new PageSpecification(1, 10)); // Retrieve first 10 results
    Flowable<FungibleTokenState> results = rpcOps.vaultQuery(query);


Querying received or incoming fungible tokens using Corda Token-SDK is a powerful feature that enables you to efficiently manage and track token movements within your Corda-based application. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the full potential of Corda Token-SDK.

Keyword Explanation
Corda Token-SDK A framework for creating, issuing, and managing tokens on the Corda blockchain network.
Fungible Token A type of token that is interchangeable with other tokens of the same type.
VaultQuery A class used to query the Corda node’s vault for specific token states.
Received Token A token that has been received by a node, but not yet consumed.
incoming Token A token that is incoming to a node, but not yet received.

By mastering the art of querying received or incoming fungible tokens, you’ll be able to build more robust, efficient, and scalable Corda-based applications. Remember to stay tuned for more Corda-related tutorials and guides, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Want to master the art of querying received/incoming fungible tokens on Corda Token-SDK? You’re in the right place! Below, we’ll dive into the most pressing questions and provide you with expert-level answers.

What is the primary method for querying received fungible tokens on Corda Token-SDK?

To query received fungible tokens, you can use the `VaultQuery` service provided by Corda Token-SDK. Specifically, you’ll want to utilize the `queryBy` method, which allows you to filter tokens based on specific criteria, such as the token type or the state status (e.g., “received”).

Can I use Corda’s built-in `QueryCriteria` to filter received fungible tokens?

Absolutely! Corda’s `QueryCriteria` is a powerful tool for filtering tokens. You can create a `QueryCriteria` instance and specify the desired filtering conditions, such as the token type or the recipient party. Then, pass this criteria to the `VaultQuery` service to retrieve the filtered tokens.

How do I specify the token type when querying received fungible tokens?

When creating a `QueryCriteria` instance, you can specify the token type using the `TokenType` class. For example, you can create a `TokenType` instance with the desired token type (e.g., `(TokenType)fungibleTokenType`) and add it to the `QueryCriteria` as a filtering condition.

Can I query received fungible tokens by recipient party?

Yes, you can query received fungible tokens by recipient party using the `QueryCriteria` instance. Simply add a `LinearStateQueryCriteria` instance to the criteria, specifying the recipient party’s identifier (e.g., `AbstractParty`) as a filtering condition.

Are there any performance considerations when querying received fungible tokens?

Yes, it’s essential to consider performance when querying received fungible tokens, especially if you’re dealing with a large volume of tokens. To optimize performance, make sure to use efficient filtering criteria, limit the query results, and consider implementing pagination or caching mechanisms.